Koe no Katachi tells the inspiring story of Shouya's gathering with Shouko and his legitimate endeavors to make up for himself, all while being ceaselessly spooky by the shadows of his past. Genuinely lamenting his previous activities, he sets out on an excursion of recovery: to meet Shouko again and set things straight. Presently in his third year of secondary school, Shouya is as yet tormented by his bad behaviors as a little fellow. He is unfeelingly excluded all through rudimentary and center school, while educators choose to disregard. With Shouko moving out of the school, Shouya is left helpless before his cohorts. Nonetheless, when her mom tells the school, he is singled out and faulted for everything done to her. At the point when the hard of hearing Shouko Nishimiya moves into his group, Shouya and the remainder of his group negligently menace her for the sake of entertainment. These are the clipings have posted it here you guys can watch. These are the information I got from searching.
As a wild youth, primary school understudy Shouya Ishida looked to beat fatigue in the cruelest ways. Its available in the webpage Dailymotion in google.Its also available in weverse only for the members who has done membership, but its highlited clips are available in youtube.